
When life gives you a blank page, become a family that writes together

When unemployment peaks, become a family that works together

When trials and tragedies overshadow you, look for small victories and become a family that wins together

When you feel outnumbered and alone, band together and become a family that wars together

When connecting with God and gratitude overtakes you, become a family that worships together


My goal is to get as many families as possible writing together and creating their own written family story.  My vision is to see family reinstated for its original purpose. A family should reflect love. Every person has a role: Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter. I know there are broken homes out there and different dynamics. Growing up, I was raised by a single mom with three sisters. If both of your parents are alive, then pursue the vision with me.  If you only have one parent or none even, still pursue the vision with one parent or your siblings. This idea of mine is to create a family tree that is built from love, creativity, work, and something that every class of people could pass on to their future families.


A Family That…

A family that writes together, fights together A family that prays together, stays together A family that smiles together, beguiles together A family that goes together, glows together

Hello world!

     My goal is to get as many families as possible writing together and creating their own written family narrative.  My vision is to see family reinstated for its original purpose. A family should reflect love. Every person has a role: Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter. I know there are broken homes out there …